It Will Find You
It Will Find You, from the cowriting/codirecting team of Chris Broadbent and Enzo Tedeschi, is an excellent supernatural chiller. Casey (Georgia Eyers) is granted permission to interview the woman who killed her sister, convicted murderer of four Jackie (Leonie Whyman). Casey is incredulous about Jackie’s story of a monster being involved, but Jackie insists Casey will find out the truth soon enough. The short boasts solid production values, wonderful cinematography courtesy of Casimir Dickson, and a very creepy creature design. Eyers and Whyman are excellent in their roles, and Broadbent and Tedeschi build suspense and eerie atmosphere masterfully. It Will Find You works just fine as a stand-alone short, but the world building the filmmakers achieve here cries out for a feature film version. via
Coconut Cream – What Kind Of Music Do You Like To Listen To? (Official Video)
Belonging, Made in Parramatta by Afro Sistahs Collective
A short documentary that poetically explores the journey of creative producer Safia Amadou, from curating a thriving contemporary art scene in West Africa, to overcoming the hardship of settling in Australia and becoming an emerging film producer in Western Sydney. Along the way, Safia connects with colleagues to establish the Afro Sistahs film collective, a sisterhood and creative community of young Afro-Australian women. Being connected to this community nourishes Safia’s sense of purpose, to produce screen projects that celebrate her African heritage and identity.
Flock – AFTRS Masters Student Film
Director: Miki Clarke
Cinematographer: Pierre Brunon
Actors: Charlotte Friels & Amy Kersey
Prosthetics/SFX Makeup: Helen Tuck
Makeup Artist: Melissa Katherine
BTS Stills